
Spring has sprung in Michigan!  How  glorious to see the buds appearing, crocus and daffodils creeping up from the hard dark ground.... Life.... promise of a new season of time in our world and hopefully in our heart.  One thing is for sure....regardless of the season of life we are in... we are not meant to be stagnant ...but to be growing, evolving... changing...... always .... till our last breath!  Nature shows me that the creation around us is not chaotic, but ordered..... with purpose ..... with levels of activity.... each building on the next level of existance.   We are part of that ordered life.... purposeful..... with our specified place in the world.  Be open to the LIFE within you.... be open to this season of aware of the newness that surrounds us.  Open your eyes.... mind.... and heart.... to the miracle of New Life and promise.... Happy Easter!